Easy Installation and Free trial: Install Norton 360 Antivirus Today

 We hear you are looking for a reliable digital security partner for your collective personal digital security needs. Let us look at some of the prevailing digital threats that users face in 2022.

Mobile Device Exposures:

Due to the pandemic and the global lockdowns followed by it, global companies had to change the way they operated. The in-office working model was replaced by the work-from-home model and mobile devices, be it our smartphones or IPads, or laptops replaced the conventional workspace and work desks.

With such an outburst of new customers, we noticed a sudden manyfold jump in the number of attacks. It is still the case as most of these firms have permanently switched to a hybrid model of working.

Third-party Network Exposures:

Even though our web application is hosted by a secured server or our company spends millions on their security, we often find ourselves attracted to the hotels, cafes, airports, and even parks and gardens offering free wifi networks.

Now, you can imagine how much these small businesses might spend on their digital defense. Any vulnerable system might lead your mobile networks and the other connected networks vulnerable to multiple data leaks and steals. 

Social Engineering Threats:

The Social Engineering threat is not a new threat, to be frank, as it has been used for ages to trick the uninformed or ill-informed user. It is one of the most dangerous attacking techniques as it largely involves a human error than a technical malware-based attack.

Deficient Cyber Hygiene

Just as poor hygiene can leave us vulnerable to germ and viral attacks, poor Cyber Hygiene practices like connecting to free unprotected wifi networks, and sharing Passwords of networks lead to billions of dollars of losses to companies across the globe. Most of the time, the attacker uses multiple weaknesses altogether to target the security of an organization.

Install Norton 360 Antivirus to check the risk of susceptible attacks on your mobile and digital devices. Norton 360 Antivirus provides the best VPN services to defend you while connecting to unknown networks.

Cloud-based Exposures:

With the increased digital footprints of all the companies, Cloud-based services are highly in demand for their convenience of use and the diverse set of services they provide. With an increased user base, the interest of Cybercriminals has only increased in cloud-based attacks.

An IBM report published recently says that cloud vulnerabilities have increased up to 150% in the last five years.

 Install Norton 360 Antivirus to prevent the risk of susceptible cloud-based attacks on your mobile and digital devices. Norton 360 Antivirus provides the most secure and fastest accessibility to cloud storage facilities. 

Half-hearted Post-Attack Measures:

The problem of Half-hearted Post-Attack measures is even more prevalent in the case of large enterprises for they might risk losing their market shares and customer trust if they accept the vulnerability of their security infrastructure.

The same is true with individual domestic users as well, for they don't want to be seen as a victim.

We need to understand that "prevention is always better than cure."


Download Norton 360 Antivirus For PC today and secure your domestic devices from vultures flying around your heads, waiting for you to make one single mistake and end up as their prey for the day.


 Norton 360 is a globally trusted digital security provider for millions of domestic users, offering you hands-on experience with the premium features like Secure VPN services, Antivirus and Malware protection, Password managers, child locks, Identity theft protection, and others.


Follow these easy steps to Install Norton 360 Antivirus:


Norton 360 Antivirus installer for Windows:

Step 1: The first step will be to sign in to your Norton account and download Norton 360 Antivirus for PC from MyNorton Portal (click Get it from Microsoft and follow the prompts to install from the Microsoft store).

Step 2: After completion of the downloading, run the installer from your browser, press the (Ctrl + J) key to open the Downloads window in your browser, and double-click the file that you downloaded.

Step 3: The user Account Control window pops up.

Step 4: Complete the required steps and proceed with the installation.


 Norton 360 Antivirus installer for Mac:

A Norton Security product is compatible only with Mac OS X 10.10.x (Yosemite) or later updates of Mac Operating Systems ( Know your version of the Mac operating system by clicking the Apple menu icon at the top-left corner followed by clicking About This Mac).


Step 1: Start with signing into your account by typing your email id and password.

Step 2: Click download in MyNorton Portal.

Step 3: Click Agree & Download on the Get Started page.

Step 4: Once the downloading finishes, double-click on the downloaded file to launch the Norton installer, followed by clicking Open.

Step 5: Before installing the Norton product, click on Norton License Agreement to read the product license agreement.

Step 6: Select your operating system and proceed with the installation.


Simple steps to be followed for Norton Antivirus Activation:


Norton 360 Antivirus Offers Complete Protection with 7 Days Free Trial.

A payment method is required at the time of signing up for the trial (credit/debit card or PayPal only). When the trial ends, the paid subscription starts and the charges for the first term are deducted, unless canceled before. Subscription automatically renews each month or each year after the initial term, unless the subscription renewal is canceled before the day you are due to be charged.


Norton Antivirus Removal can leave your device susceptible to numerous attacks as Norton 360 offers collective device security needs as the Norton 360 Antivirus is available for all your online and offline computer devices.


The process of Norton Antivirus Removal:


Uninstall Norton 360 from your Windows PC:

Step 1: Click on Start and go to settings on your Windows PC.

Step 2: Open Apps and find the Norton 360 app from the list of the installed applications to uninstall Norton Antivirus.

Step 3: Click on the Norton 360 application and click uninstall.

Step 4: Reboot your system to apply the changes.


We never recommend you remove Norton Antivirus from your PC because Norton checks thousands of threats every second. Norton is so confident about its product that it offers 60 days of money-back guarantee if it could not fight off the threats. 


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